Vestry Standing Committees

The Rector and Vestry determine what committees are necessary for the best interests of the parish. The Standing Committees of Trinity Sonoma are those groups, designated by the Vestry, which act on behalf of the Vestry in administrative or governance matters. They are accountable to the Vestry with monthly written reports and responsible for the fiscal and/or physical church operations and maintenance of the church. They are appointed by the Vestry for 2-year period.

Finance & Stewardship Committee

The Finance and Stewardship Committee prepares and administers the annual Church Budget, provides advice and counsel to the Vestry and Treasurer of the Church and acts as a sounding board and clearing house for large financial requests which do not fall in the existing budget. The committee is also accountable for the annual stewardship campaign that encourages Christian donations of time, talent and possessions.

Building & Grounds Committee

The purpose of the Building & Grounds Committee is to coordinate and oversee improvement and enhancement, as well as on-going operation, maintenance and repair of the church Buildings and Grounds, except items expressly the responsibility of another committee (eg., Memorial Garden). Preservation of the church’s heritage is central to the work of the Building & Grounds committee. It also takes responsibility for making improvements and enhancements that will be enjoyed by members, friends and visitors.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee fosters communications within and outside of this parish. The committee addresses the communication needs of the congregation and Church committees by working on various communications initiatives. The primary areas of support are: